Inside this handbook, you will find information about all the events that are available to your school during the year. Events are open to all schools in the Partnership. They involve a variety of competitions, festivals, programmes and staff CPD courses. Some of the competitions are School Games Competitions which you must enter if you want to progress onto Level 3. Other festivals are more informal and provide pupils with the experience of working alongside other schools. There is a chronological list of all competitions in this handbook with details of dates, times, venues and rules.
Pupils also have the opportunity to experience roles other than participant and during the year are invited to attend two Young Official Courses which take place at a local secondary school. These courses equip pupils with the knowledge they need to support Level 1 events on the school site.
There are other programmes available which target specific groups of pupils. These include gifted and talented pupils who are invited to be part of the Talent Team or hard to engage pupils who are invited to be part of the All Active Academy which incorporates the Change4Life objectives. Both programmes involve workshops at a secondary school site and a trip to Bath University.
It continues to be a priority of ours to work alongside staff involved with the planning and delivery of PE and sports. During the year there are many opportunities for staff to access CPD and networking events. These include PLT meetings, PE Federation Days and other locally organised events. Details of these events are outlined in this handbook.
We are very excited about the year ahead and hope that you take up as many of the opportunities as you can. Don’t forget to shout about all that you do on the school website so that Ofsted (but far more importantly parents and children) know how the Sport Premium funding is being spent.
We look forward to working with you all.
Yours sincerely
Selina, Jessica and Emma
This terms club focus: