
What a lovely way to start term 6, with the annual orienteering festival! As part of this event schools took part in 3 different elements:

  1. Competitive orienteering – this involves using specialised devices to track how quickly teams complete the course. Using the map to find each marker pupils, then had to check in to calculate their times.
  2. Funny Faces – a teamwork style game where pupils have to recreate faces on their ‘map’ by using different pieces of equipment
  3. Animal Game – using star point orienteering, pupils have to find specific animal cards and then remember the key word associated with it.

We were impressed with all of the pupils for the energy they showed and would also like to say a huge thank you to Ken and his wonderful team for supporting the event.

The final results were:

1st – St Pauls

2nd – Ivy Lane

3rd – St Pauls

4th and 5th – Frogwell

Congratulations to all teams!

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