After some of our primaries had to unfortunately pull out of the multi skills event on the last day of term, the Chippenham Sports Partnership quickly adapted the plan with the remaining school and relocated to Monkton Park Primary for a multi skills morning of fun! The day started with the year 6 pupils evaluating some of their previous leadership training and working in groups to design their own multi skills stations. They had to consider how they could make it harder, whether it would work in the space and with the equipment on offer, and most importantly whether it would be fun!
There was much excitement as they raided the PE cupboard and each group then set up their activity before having a practise run explaining it to their friends. The moment of truth came after break when 38 energetic year 3’s came out ready to take part. Thankfully the year 6’s rose to the challenge and explained their stations with confidence, working well as teams to get all of the younger pupils involved. It was lovely to see the organised and caring manner they had, and also the way the year 3s put lots of effort into each task. A truly proud moment for all involved and thoroughly impressive display of leadership within the school community! Well done Monkton Park!