Chippenham Games

It was beautiful weather for our biggest event of the year, where we welcome our year 6 pupils to Stanley Park for an extravaganza of sport! After meeting their Team Managers and putting on their new t shirts each team then joined the parade before listening to a speech by the Headteachers from the local secondary schools; Nick Norgrove (Abbeyfield), Lisa Percy (Hardenhuish) and Pete Lynch (Sheldon).

Pupils get the opportunity to try out different activities on a carousel run by our amazing coaches and supported by the superb sports leaders:

ArcheryUp and Under Sports
TouchkballUp and Under Sports
Mini MarathonMiss Tame
DanceJax Dance
Indie BoardingPH Sports
Laser Shooting (pentathlon)Bernie Moss
Martial Arts FitnessMaster Don Deedigan
GolfMax, Michael and
Face PaintingSports Leaders

We were fortunate to have the Mayor Connor Melvin and Deputy Mayor Catherine McDermid lead the closing speeches which was well received by the pupils.

The Chippenham Sports Partnership would like to thank Wiltshire Council, Chippenham Town Council and Stanley Park for their support and contributions to this event!

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