Talent Team
The Talent Team event is aimed at those sportspeople who are confident and looking to perform at high levels of competition. As part of this event we shared some top tips for warm ups so that pupils know how to prepare themselves for exercise efefctively to prevent injury.
Pupils then got taught all about the componants of fitness and how these relate to their own performance in sport, before trying the A (agility), B (balance), C (co-ordination) challenges. It was lovely to see each of the pupils really pushing themselves to try the harder progressions – just what top athletes do!
After the challenges, each group then completed different fitness tests to show them which componants of fitness they were strongest in, and which areas they needed to work on. This is integral for athletes so they can struture their trainign programmes accordingly.
The final challenge was on the climbing wall where everyone had to try different routes, which got progressively harder, where we were once again impressed with their effort.
Thank you to all of the pupils who came to be part of this years Talent Team!