Due to rising cases of COVID we made the difficult decision to move the PLT meeting to Teams and meet remotely. Whilst we would much prefer to see everyone in person, it was still lovely to see everyone’s faces on screen. The meeting started with a discussion about the Chippenham Dance Festival which as a group we decided would need to be postponed until the situation was a little more settled. As a result new events will be added for term 3 and all other events can go ahead as planned. Events for term 3 and 4 were shared alongside important details and rules specific to these events. We were then lucky enough to have some amazing guest speakers who provided information to our PLTs about some exciting offers they have which will help enrich the PE and Sport provision for pupils within the partnership. We would like to thank the following guests:
- Rik Grover – WASP
- Dillon Slade – Chippenham Tennis Club
- Ali Goddard – Dynamo Cricket
- Sarah Moon and Jim Tew – Create Development
- Tom sparks and Colin Rossitor – Golf
The meeting finished with some advice from two of our PLTs about a recent Ofsted deep dive. The insight into this experience and feedback given was useful and informative.