The Talent Team event is aimed at the most confident pupils within a sporting setting who demonstrate a competitiveness and desire to learn about how they can become the best athlete possible. After a warm up each group complete a range of challenges around balance and co-ordination before heading into a game of endball which everyone seemed to enjoy.
The main part of the session was about fitness testing and pupils tried out fitness tests in flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, power, speed, co-ordination and agility. At the end they identified their strengths and areas for development thinking about ways in which they could improve their fitness. Well done to this years cohort who proved themselves to be incredibly motivated and keen to get involved.
The Talent Team group have another follow up session later in the year when they join the Chippenham Sports Partnership on a trip to the Arc to try out their climbing skills! We are looking forward to seeing this enthusiastic group of pupils again then!